Recursively add all files in a directory to the database, up to a specified maximum depth
User will not be able to see any files, directories, etc., which are tagged by an encompassed tag
How to Query
An integer range is of the form [MIN]-[MAX]
MIN must be a non-negative integer
MAX must be either a non-negative integer, or "?" (without the quotation marks)
A string surrounded by double quotes, with all double quotes within itself escaped
"Ree Gee"
"Jeremy \"Stark\" Smith"
A list of NAMEs
If there is just one NAME in the list, it is interpreted as a regexp.
"English (Language)" "French (Language)"
A list of two strings that is interpreted as an array of literal strings
"[^ ]+ \(Language\)$"
A list of one string that is interpreted as a regexp
file f
dir d
dir d! (matching only against the basename)
device D
Only available for one sub-filter - "D exists".
tag t (matching against child tags too)
tag t!
external_db x
Only available as a sub-filter, for files.
Different tables may have different valid attributes.
Each attribute has a "kind" of relation too - either one-to-many, or many-to-many
[ATTRIBUTE_KIND] attributes
many-to-one attributes
name all except D and e
title f
description f
dir f
mime f
size all except x, D and e
duration f
md5 f
sha f
time_origin f
time_recorded f
width f
height f
fps f
views f
likes f
dislikes f
many-to-many options:
dct (perceptual hash) f
audio (perceptual hash) f
tag f
parent (direct ancestor) t
parenty (any ancestory) t
child t
childy t
Each may be preceded by "not" (without the quotation marks) to invert the filter
Each must be separated by a logical operator - thus far the only implemented ones are "and" and "or" (use without the quotation marks)
Entries have relations to entries of one of these names in this table
D exists
Only available for file and directory tables.
Filters for files/dirs that reside on a device that the server can access with an fopen call (i.e. files that are both local and readable)
Entries have a variable named one of the listed names, which has a value in the specified range
A filter that operates directly on the columns of the primary table.
If it is a string, STRING_OR_INTEGER must be surrounded by double quotes, with any contained double quotes escaped. Else it must be a positive integer
OPERATOR must be one of
Integers only: ">", "<"
Strings only: "r" (regexp)
Any: "="
A NAME on its own, without even specifying "attr", is interpreted as shorthand for
attr name r [NAME]
f attr name r "[Pp]attern"
Filter for files whose names match the regexp
f attr id < 99
f attr size < 1000000
Search for files under 1MB in size
f attr dir < 1000
Note that dir is an integer - it is not translated to a string with this filter
f "^A"
Shorthand for
f attr name r "^A"
Lists all files beginning with "A"
t parent = "Country"
Filter for tags where one immediate ancestor is the tag "Country"
t parenty = "Continent"
Filter for tags where any ancestor is the tag "Continent"
backups [RANGE]
Filter for files with a number of backups in this range
This filter is NOT to be preceded by a logical operator
Only for the file table
Filters results for files sharing an attribute, that attribute having a number (in the given range) of files associated with it.
The order in which this filter is applied matters
For many-to-one attributes (such as name, dir, mime, size, duration, md5, sha)
All other filters declared before this filter apply WITH this filter
All other filters declared after this filter apply AFTER this filter
For many-to-many attributes (such as dct)
It is a bit different
Using the name attribute might take a VERY long time to execute without other filters
f "foo" same dir 2-?
Finds files matching the regexp "foo", so long as they share a directory with another file matching that regexp.
f same dir 2-? "foo"
Finds files matching the regexp "foo", so long as there is another file in its directory
f "foo" same dct 2-?
Finds files whose DCT hashes overlap with those of files with names matching the regexp "foo"
f same dct 2-? "foo"
Finds files matching the regexp "foo", so long as there is another file with overlapping DCT hashes
f same dct 101-?
List files who have a DCT hash that at least 100 other files also have
f same dct 1-1
List files who have a unique DCT hash
MODE must be one of a (ascending) or d (descending)
Order results by the ATTRIBUTE
For many-to-many attributes, files with multiple matching attributes will appear multiple times
ATTRIBUTE must be one of
many-to-one options:
one-to-one options:
size (for tags/dirs, it is the number of files associated with it)
file table additional options: Any of the attributes listed under the "same" filter
order-by-value [MODE] [[NAMES]]
MODE must be one of a (ascending) or d (descending)
NAMES must be a list of NAMEs (like a NAME_LIST, except a list of length 1 will not be interpreted as a regexp)
Order results by the named variables, in that order.
The order is left-to-right, the value being a chain of IFNULLs
limit [INTEGER]
offset [INTEGER]
At least one filter must be included
f t "Music" t "English (Language)" "French (Language)" "German (Language)" and value 90-100 "Musicness" "Score" and attr name r "[.]webm$" limit 100
List 100 WEBM files tagged Music and also tagged one of: English, French or German language, having either a musicness or score of between 90 and 100
f attr name r "\\\\.mp4" and d "^/" limit 100
List 100 MP4 files on the server
f d "^https://www[.]youtube[.]com/" order-by-value d "Musicness" "Score"
List files from in descending order of 'value', where the 'value' is either the file's "Musicness" or - if that is unavailable - the file's "Score"
f d "^http" and not t "Music"
List remote (over HTTP/HTTPS) files which are not tagged "Music"
f not t "!!ROOT TAG||" and not "[.](json|xml)$"
List files which are not tagged with anything, ignoring JSON and XML files.
f mime "^image/"
List files with image mimetypes
f ( t "Music" and t "Video" ) or ( t "Music" and mime "^video/" )
List music videos
f attr name r "[.](png|jpe?g)" same dct 60-? limit 1000
The command I used to locate all my neural style transfer renders
f "[.](mp4)" same dct 10-? limit 1000
Equivalent to
f attr name r "[.](mp4)" same dct 10-? limit 1000
The command I used to locate videos by a Youtuber (using the same video intro in his videos)
f attr name r "[.](mp4|MP4|mkv|MKV|avi|AVI|webm|WEBM)$" same dct 2-? and attr name r "[.](png|jpe?g|PNG|JPE?G|gif|GIF|bmp|BMP)$"
Find files which are probably screenshots of movies
f same size 2-? limit 100 order d size
Find files that are probably duplicates, based only on their file sizes.
f d "^\?v=" same dct 2-? same size 2-? limit 100
Find files which have the same DCT hash and same size as a file from youtube.
d "." order d size
List the directories with the most files (non-recursive)
t "." order d size
List the tags associated with the most files (not counting descendant tags)
f attr tag r "Foobar"
Equivalent to
f t "Foobar"
f attr tag = "Foobar"
Equivalent to
f t "^Foobar$"
t attr parent = "Country" order d size
List the Country tags in order of decreasing numbers of files they are associated with
f t! "Uploader: " and not t "Youtube Channel" and d "^http" and d "youtube" limit 100
List Youtube files directly tagged with "Uploader:
This site is an implementation of the tagem project. All elements are copyright Adam Gray, subject to the GPLv3 license, with the exceptions listed below. The HTML that is included inline: The layout of this site's HTML is based on Responsive Social Platform by Aysenur Turk Almost all SVG icons are sourced or derived from tabler-icons by Paweł Kuna The exceptions are the two triangle icons by myself, and the search icon by Aysenur Turk The JavaScript libraries that are included inline: datetimepicker For the date-time picker dialog PHP-Date-Formatter by Kartik Visweswaran A dependency of datetimepicker This also includes some CSS Other JavaScript libraries taht are used but not included inline: JQuery Select2 For fancier dropdown menus MouseTrap For intercepting key events
Date Query USAGE [DATE] [DATE] - [DATE] Second date should be the largest DATE yyyy yyyy/mm yyyy/mm/dd EXAMPLES 2020 2020/03 2018-2020 2016/05-2020/06
Keyboard Shortcuts b Toggle the 'add backup file' dialog e Add era vertex (start or end) m Merge selected files p View selected files as a playlist q Make a qry v Toggle the 'add file2 variable to file' dialog
Suppose you have a screenshot of a Twitter post. You can get the link to the original post - for instance, by using find-tweet. You can then go to that file, click "Update src", and change the source to the Twitter post's URL. This will keep the screenshot as a 'backup' of the post. Suppose you wish to record some snippets of C++ code. You can open the text editor, paste the code into the main content section, name the file, tag it 'C++', then select a remote directory. ANY remote directory can be used, however I would suggest creating a 'directory' named "Code Snippets" - specifically ommitting the protocol and other unnecessary parts - specifically for code snippets like these. When this 'file' is saved, it creates a record in the database, with the contents as the 'file' description - no content is written to an actual file aside from the database.
Assign Value
ID | Start | End | Tags |
Added | |
Origin |
Selection Types
is used for assigning tagsSecondary
is used only to select duplicates of the primary file for merging